A Tour of the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center
The two-hour presentation reveals a compelling legacy of struggle and an insightful look at the evolution of racial equality in America through a historic timeline. It opens the door to a historical treasure trove in person and on Zoom!
From primary sources including letters, with T. Thomas Fortune corresponding with President Theodore Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington, to formal invitations requesting his presence at prominent social affairs, his contribution to social change in America, is unprecedented. The highly respected, but controversial journalist and former Red Bank resident, who lived during the 19th and 20th centuries, will come to life at the Cultural Center.
Fortune’s writings (poetry, prose, speeches and editorials), heighten the empirical experience for students and adults. You will travel back in time, and learn how his voice is relevant to the 21st century’s cultural attitudes, politics, social justice, civil rights, empowerment and resistance that continues to define, “We The People.”
The presentation meets the Core Curriculum Content Standards. Social Studies – 6.1, U.S. History: America in the World; 6.3, Active Citizenship in the 21st Century. English Language Arts: RL-9-10-1- Reading Literature.
Schedule a Tour
To book a tour please email shanel@tthomasfortunefoundation.org.
Hours of Operation:
Open to the Public
1pm-5 pm (Sat. Sun) with the exception of special events.
School Tours
10am- 2pm (Thurs & Friday)